905 - Thursday - Recreational Group 1 - Summer 2024

Eskimo Bros

0 Nico Fekete
3 Zachary Correia
9 Cameron Shepheard
13 Clayton Stutt
16 Jacob Wilkinson
19 Alex Newton
21 Zach Calippe
22 Evan Camara
47 Nicholas Gallant
52 Braedon Flanagan
74 Max Wilkinson
77 Zachary Hillyer
84 AJ Antonucci
86 Sean Dobslaw
97 Daniel Carestia
G Jack Kean
TBD-1 Ethan Watkins-Lajeunesse
TBD-2 Luca Triolo

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True North Hockey Canada
Tel: (416) 231-8642 • info@truenorthhockey.com