905 - Tuesday - Recreational Group 4 - Summer 2024

TN Sting

7 Rupinder Takhar
8 Ajveer Tiwana
9 daksh rajwani
14 Rendeep Bains
15 Sahaj Sandhu
16 Michael Docouto
17 John Kowalenko
18 Jacob Heise
20 Chase Szabo
21 Amit Basra
22 Ryan Osborne
23 Mark Mischkot
24 Hameet Sandhu
27 Colton Wallace
G Craig Stormer

Please remember to click on the score of the game online to view / print the game sheet.

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For corrections to games played and penalties, email truenorthstats@gmail.com. These corrections must be submitted within 48 hours after a game.

True North Hockey Canada
Tel: (416) 231-8642 • info@truenorthhockey.com