905 - Tuesday - Recreational Group 5 - Winter 2024/25

Greasy Beavers

00 Eliott Cheeseman
3 kiro attia
7 Nathan Mankarious
8 Fady Mettias
9 Mark Azmy
10 David Saad
13 Matthew Girgis
16 Mark Besada
18 Shady Mettias
19 Andrew Matar
24 Kurt Morrish
27 Martino Gabra
55 Michael Wadie
73 Kirolos Athanassious
77 Kyro Sidhom
88 Fady Nakhla
G Lucas Cheeseman
TBD-1 Martin Thomas Hanna

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True North Hockey Canada
Tel: (416) 231-8642 • info@truenorthhockey.com