905 - Thursday - Recreational Group 2 - Winter 2024/25

Modelo Hockey

3 Tanner Mailhot
4 Mark Rousset
7 Kevin Meisner
9 Zac Lyons
11 Terry Oliveira
16 Michael Veri
24 Scott Edwards
27 Colin Sinclair
42 Brad Gonyea
47 Joshua Hebb
57 Nicholas Salazar
64 Ryan Maccormack
91 Geoff Gonyea
G Brett Kean
TBD-11 Josh Thompson
TBD-12 Brett Cole
TBD-13 Alexis Paradis
TBD-14 Malik Thibeault boisvert
TBD-15 Jesse Gatt
TBD-16 Timotej Knapik
TBD-18 Ben Zedic
TBD-19 Jack Kean
TBD-20 Russ Poloni
TBD-21 Justin Richard

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True North Hockey Canada
Tel: (416) 231-8642 • info@truenorthhockey.com